Have you ever heard of the Ivy Lee Method? The other day, on my Instagram stories, I said how every time I try to utilize Google calendar like the successful people I see online, I inevitably have my least productive day. I feel like I am chained to my calendar and if I am even a minute late, ...
Is The Future of Retail Creating an Experience?
Think back to the last time someone recommended a store to you. What did they say? Probably something along the lines of, “you have to check out this store! It’s super cute, they have the best stuff and the nicest staff.” Sounds pretty straight forward, right? Actually not so much. The person who is ...
Four Life Changing Tips From Year of Yes
THIS POST MAY CONTAIN AFFILIATE LINKS. PLEASE READ MY DISCLOSURE FOR MORE INFO. Shonda Rhimes is, in her own words, a titan. Everyone who watches tv knows who Shonda Rhimes is. Her name is synonymous with shows such as Grey’s Anatomy, Scandal, How To Get Away With Murder and many more of ...
What is Sustainable Fashion?
Over the last few years I have really started embracing the idea of sustainability and learning what is sustainable fashion. Mainly because I want to know that I have done my part in helping to make this world a better place. However, it can be hard to know where to even start. Which can be ...
Montreal Travel Guide
It’s finally here, the Montreal Travel Guide you’ve all been waiting for! Well maybe that’s a little extreme, but it’s here nonetheless. Last month, Michael and I went on our anniversary trip. We chose Montreal for a few reasons. I wanted to travel internationally but Michael didn’t want to go ...